Your Bratty Tsundere Angel Goddess

Join a Freya Beragota stream where your loot and money is now forfeit and all worldly possessions belong to an angelic tsundere goddess named Freya. Obssessed with Frogs and many other small animals, Freya swears like a sailor and constantly screams like she’s being chased in a horror movie. Might want to lower your volume.

About Freya Beragota

Freya is a bratty Angelic Goddess who earned her wings by fighting a Goddess in her world named Glariel. This goddess was a decendent of hers who, after several grueling trials, possessed Freya’s body, and Freya overcame this possession, inheriting her powers and kingdom. Freya then used her newfound powers to save the kingdom of Fazrial from famine and war, and became the goddess reknowned by all commoners and peasants across the land.

Streaming Schedule

Tue – 4:30pm

Wednesday – 4:30pm

Thurs – 4:30pm



Stay Tuned!

 Freya’s Socials




Checkout Freya’s Youtube