Blue Scarf Games is an indie gaming entertainment company with it’s toes in Vtubing, Video Games, paperback roleplaying and TCG titles, and even more upcoming forms of entertainment. With years of experience in gaming, we seek to stand beside giants in the industry.
About Blue Scarf Games
Founded in 2019, Blue Scarf Games has gone through many iterations of game development, free fandom IP expansions, and gaming convention coverage. While things have developed into many different forms including collectable TCGs, and now-popular Vtubers, Blue Scarf Games is proud to be bringing entertainment in all forms to gamers worldwide. Look forward to many more upcoming projects!
The Manga Kickstarter is Here!
The Indigo Project
After taking many forms previously, The Indigo Project’s story of a post-apocolyptic Earth will be drafted as a manga first, then translated into full-on animation if well recieved. Blue Scarf Games is looking forward to piloting a manga creation of The Indigo Project’s world for everyone to get evolved into!
A Manga and Anime in Initial Stages | Currently: In Art Production
Other Projects
BlueScarfGames is working on another #indiegame... but this time we're going big and following through. Imagine #FireEmblem, but as an asynchronous #MOBA...Blueblood Battlefields. More details to come.
— BlueScarfGames (@BlueScarfGames) October 13, 2023